I'll have you know I personally HATE Tuesdays because they don't even have the 'rested off the weekend' feel that Mondays can have, just 'the week has only started and I am soo willing to cut off my left foot to go home early' jive.
But this morning I received a lovely surprise in the nomination of a Liebster Award from Casey over at Waffling!
Liebster: German word that means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.
Long story long:
Nessa over at Isle Style Living nominated Casey at Waffling for the Liebster Award along with four other blogs asking 11 questions that the nominees must answer. Casey then had to nominate 5 other blogs with under 200 followers and ask 11 questions. Casey's nominee's?
- Helen at Seaside Interiors
- Linda at My Crafty Home Life
- Nette at This Dusty House
- Mrs. GI at The Great Indoors
- Lisa at Upset Apple Cart <--- That's me in case you were wondering.
Now I have answers to those questions and if I knew any blogs with under 200 followers I'd totally harass them but I don't so here are the questions!
1. Why do you blog?
get this shit out of my head. It’s the same reason I write fiction; if I don’t
clear up the jumble sometimes I think I would go insane or start talking to
myself in public about painting using string of the return of Bad News Bears.
Although a great story for everyone else that I encounter I don’t know if it
would gain me any lasting friendships.
2. What is your ideal first date?
Before Zach is was having one and the standard ended there. I didn’t date a lot. With
Zach it’s going out for dinner, a long walk home, a few hours playing some fun
co-op video game followed by sexy time. So like, my average Tuesday is the best
date day ever every week.
3. What is your favourite childhood memory?
4. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Australia/New Zealand. It’s just so damn far and like alien world. Have you SEEN the animals that live there? Their rodents are like the size of our freaking dogs! Kangaroos are to them what raccoons are to us. BUT ENORMOUS AND HAVE POUCHES! It’s like going into space without all the space stuff.
Next would be the Amazon (not the online-market filled with
buyable things but the forest with dangerous will kill you at any second
things). EVERYTHING IS HUGE!! (Are you noticing a trend here?)
5. What was the last thing you bought for the home?
The kittens. I could live in cardboard boxes with a tarp as my bed sheet as long as I had the goddamn cats. Pets make me a better person, but the couch is a close second.
The kittens. I could live in cardboard boxes with a tarp as my bed sheet as long as I had the goddamn cats. Pets make me a better person, but the couch is a close second.
6. If you could be more knowledgeable in one subject, what
would it be?
Science. Because I know so little about it I don’t even know how to subcategorize it further but if I could know more it would be science. All the science.
Science. Because I know so little about it I don’t even know how to subcategorize it further but if I could know more it would be science. All the science.
7. What would you say is your biggest weakness?
Self-control. Be it food, shopping, gaming, feeding cat nip to the kittens, procrastinating I am constantly battling my inner ‘MOAR’ monster for balance. The moster often wins (as evidence by this being written at my job)
Self-control. Be it food, shopping, gaming, feeding cat nip to the kittens, procrastinating I am constantly battling my inner ‘MOAR’ monster for balance. The moster often wins (as evidence by this being written at my job)
8. What is your favourite food and when did you last eat
Crab meat and if we’re talking about fake Pollock it’s been like 2 days but the real stuff out of the legs of a crustacean…. It’s been a while. Maybe 6 months? It brings me to tears to think of the parting that brought about such sweet sorrow.
Crab meat and if we’re talking about fake Pollock it’s been like 2 days but the real stuff out of the legs of a crustacean…. It’s been a while. Maybe 6 months? It brings me to tears to think of the parting that brought about such sweet sorrow.
9. What is your leave favourite household chore?
Organizing. Or rather shopping for organizational tools that I can implement to make my life better. I don’t often actually get around to implementing but I love the shopping and planning for it.
Organizing. Or rather shopping for organizational tools that I can implement to make my life better. I don’t often actually get around to implementing but I love the shopping and planning for it.
10. Do you have any fears?
Clowns. Spiders. Bees. Heights. Awkward situations. Accidentally eating olives on pizza or in pasta.
Clowns. Spiders. Bees. Heights. Awkward situations. Accidentally eating olives on pizza or in pasta.
11. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck
could chuck wood?